why does sansa marry tyrion

Similar to the TV show, Robin Arryn is a sickly little boy, and if he dies then it's Harry who will inherit the Eyrie. Littlefinger seems to assume that the marriage is no longer valid/never was. He wanted to, he almost did. But when they were both naked, Tyrion just couldn't bring himself to consummate the marriage because she was very youn consummation. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Actually even in our world, which I assume is what inspired it. No. This process is known as annulment and at least in the UK and most states in the US never having sex is a valid reason for annulment. In 1298, after defeat, Emperor Andronikos II Palaiologos promised to marry a relative to King Stefan Uros II Militun of Serbia (1254?-1321). He intended to make his widowed sister Eudocia marry the king, but she refused. Hanh Nguyen May 17, 2015, 9:31 p.m. PT. Sansa married Tyrion before the Seven Gods and Ramsay before the Old Gods so the latter could be valid under the other religion. Waymar Royce is the son of Yohn Royce, the man who becomes one of Sansa's closest advisers in the series, and Sansa falls head over heels in love with Waymar when she meets him at Winterfell, where he and his father stop on their way to the Wall. Entertainment Weekly mentioned in their set report that "Ramsay finds a new plaything to torture" this season. all other things that would make it a valid marriage, once they have By acquiescing to the Lannisters' plan for her to marry Tyrion, she can ensure that she stays there and is not sent away. was married to Anne Mowbray, Countess of Norfolk (10 December 1472-November 1781). So Sansa' marriage to Ramsay in the show was illegal and not binding as she was already Tyrion's wife. Is Sansa still married to Tyrion? Monks were supposed to voluntarily take their vows of obedience and poverty, etc. Martin has also said that the Faith of the Seven is inspired by the Catholic Church, so it wouldnt be a stretch to assume the laws of medieval marriage somewhat apply to Westeros. Cersei is Queen Mother, a title whose importance wanes with each passing day. As Littlefinger explains to the despicable Ramsay Bolton in season five, the marriage between Sansa and Tyrion was never consummated, which in Westeros means it's null and void. Why, on a show full of murder, torture and other rape, is this scene that much more disturbing and disappointing? Consummation was not necessary for a marriage, Ruth Mazo Karras, Lecky Professor of History at Trinity College Dublin, told HuffPost. At the altar, he removed the step stool set so that Tyrion could more easily cloak his bride and laughed throughout the uncomfortable ceremony. Scene from S3E8 Second Sons, Game of Thrones. The faith is not exactly operating in Kings Landing at this point and if there were any records in the Sept of Balor of the marriage they are destroyed now. BAELISH: (They begin walking). To summarize the comments below this answer: You're ignoring the answers that everyone (both me and the commenters) have provided, which amply answers the question at hand. One medieval history expert, however, gives a vastly different answer. His love for her is unique. After Joffrey ordered Neds beheading at the end of season 1, Sansa remained betrothed to him until Loras Tyrell asked Joffrey to marry his sister Margaery in the season 2 finale; Joffrey set Sansa aside at his mothers suggestion, using the Stark familys alleged treason as justification. [58] Did Petyr Baelish intend for Lysa to see him kiss Sansa Stark? But who says Tyrion didn't consummate? Mutually exclusive execution using std::atomic? Baelish tells Sansa that Tyrion might have done the same to her in time, Why are the Queensguard in Game of Thrones (S07) wearing black armour? Has she endured so long just to experience pain at the hand of her enemies? Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. A place where magic is studied and practiced? Where the Church was not powerful or present, marriage was controlled by private families, who made up their own rules more or less, Coontz said. Tyrion never consummated the wedding but Sansa never requested an annulment. Why are physically impossible and logically impossible concepts considered separate in terms of probability? Being that her Mother is still alive at this time, it would only be logical that she is the only one who could decide who her daughter was to marry. What is the correct way to screw wall and ceiling drywalls? It's her name I need, not her virtue. The North is already in open revolt, so the Lannisters (who are controlling Joffrey right now) don't need to worry about what they think, and are using Joffrey's power as the king to cement a claim to Winterfell through marriage (and eventually a half-Lannister, half-Stark child). Identify those arcade games from a 1983 Brazilian music video. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Sansa is posing as a bastard and Ramsay is a legitimized bastard. In most Western countries if you never had sex when married then you don't need a divorce, you just need a judge/official to declare the marriage null and void (never happened). It's her name I need, not Desperate to provide a bride, Andronikos selected his daughter Simonis or Simonida (c. 1294-after 1336) despite the shocked opposition of the Patriarch of Constantinople and many family members. While he awaited trial, Tyrion suggested that Sansa would testify on his behalf, and it was then that he learned she had been missing since the wedding and Joffreys death. As long as both parties are of age, not too closely related to each other and all other things that would make it a valid marriage, once they have said their vows, they are married and they stay married. Calculating probabilities from d6 dice pool (Degenesis rules for botches and triggers). http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CAPET.htm#Agnesdiedafter12406. They would probably have invented an occasion for another very public ceremony, with exchanges of gifts between the families, invitations of other nobles, feasting, etc, Coontz said. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Though an official religious marriage ceremony performed by a priest as was usual for nobility and royalty would usually have a point where the two parties said they consented to the marriage. This is confirmed by Petyr Baelish in season 5 of Game of Thrones when he is setting up the wedding between Sansa and Ramsay. It's murky, but the answer is most likely no. Tyrion is It's not him personally, but he's part of her situation, the man she was literally forced to marry, and a member of the family that had her father executed and her household murdered. Ahead of season 8, heres what you need to know about Sansa Stark and Tyrion Lannisters marriage: A post shared by gameofthrones (@gameofthrones) on Feb 7, 2019 at 10:33am PST. Tyrion is repulsive to look at. He doesnt bear any resemblance to handsome Peter Dinkage. %3E He is so ugly, Sansa thought when his face was close In the books, Tyrion's whole plot to hide Shae in plain sight is pretty similar to how it plays out in the series, but Shae and Sansa don't actually develop a personal relationship. Is it suspicious or odd to stand by the gate of a GA airport watching the planes? 2 minutes ago, by Sarah Wasilak I know she married Ramsay but I don't even know if that was an actual binding marriage or just coercive marriage. It seems that even historians are debating this. Now that she's out of King's Landing and officially entering the Game of Thrones as a player with a purpose, I'm looking forward to seeing what Sansa's next alliance will be when the series returns to HBO on Sunday. I think the Boltons, who were heavily involved in the massacre at the Red Wedding, would know better than to try to marry Ramsay off to someone else after that promise had been made. She's had disaster on disaster happen to her and has withdrawn into a shell. By the law of the land, she's no man's wife. Eddard didn't defy him then just as he didn't defy him about killing Sansa's wolf. was to marry, Being that she is captive, being made to get married under duress Sansa is set to marry someone in the books, just not Ramsay. With the sole exception of Tyrion, who is unusually progressive for his time. In the moments following Joffreys death by poison at his wedding to Margaery Tyrell, Cersei pointed to Tyrion as the person responsible for Joffreys death, in part because Joffrey had ordered Tyrion to fill his glass of wine throughout the reception as his cupbearer. Over time, the two developed a relationship and Tyrion brought Shae back to Kings Landing and she took on the position as handmaiden for Sansa so the two could safely and secretly be together. Trinity College Dublin, had a conflicting answer. would not make the marriage official , which would mean Tyrion Wikipedia says that Sigurd was born in 1133, only 12 years before the latest Sverre should have have been born. In practical terms, the pope and again, this is in medieval Europe might have been more willing to annul a marriage that hadnt been consummated on other grounds, but the fact that it was not consummated was not grounds for annulment.. It truly comes down to what makes or who approves a legitimate annulment. "What if I never want you to?" She's drawing a line and maintaining a "strictly business" relationship. This is confirmed by Petyr Baelish in season 5 of Game of Thrones when he is setting up the wedding between Sansa and Ramsay. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. The prospect of a Ramsay and Sansa marriage is a Game of Thrones theory popular amongst fans right now. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! logical that she is the only one who could decide who her daughter By the law of the land, she's no man's wife. WebLong answer: Sansa's marriage to Ramsay was done in an attempt to replace the character of fake Arya. The two of them could make a great team, however I don't think she'll be marrying him any time soon. said their vows, they are married and they stay married. Both Margaery and Shae were suspicious of his intentions. Would love your thoughts, please comment. What video game is Charlie playing in Poker Face S01E07? When season 7 left off, Sansa Stark, played by Sophie Turner, was Lady of Winterfell in her family home with her siblings Arya and Bran. Princess Agnes of France (1171/72-1220 or after 1240), daughter of king Louis VII, was sent to Constantinople in 1179 and married or betrothed to Emperor Alexios II (1169-1183) on 2 March 1180. It only takes a minute to sign up. His father pushes him to consummate the marriage with Sansa for the good of House Lannister , but Tyrion never does - a decision that earns him scorn and jest in court. Now, Westeros is clearly a fantasy world created by A Song of Ice and Fire author George R.R. So, as far as we know, there is no easy answer. Although most Game of Thrones fans won't even know his name, Waymar Royce is one of the most memorable characters in the series simply because he's one of the first people who ever appears on screen. @einpoklum I believe it is mentioned in the books that Sansa told her chambermaid, who spread the word. The problem is that as a character, Sansa has already suffered under a hellish betrothal, and since Joffrey's death she's been under the tutelage of Baelish. I would love for Sansa to ended up with someone kind and loyal like Pod. Sansa's characterization and story understandably gets a lot more attention in the books, so there are certain facets of her character that only book fans know. Sign up today to receive exclusive secrets from the realm. Despite being forced to marry the imp of House Lannister, however, Sansa the traitor Ned Starks daughter begins to bond with him over their shared status in Kings Landing. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Divorce in the traditional sense doesn't appear to be a thing in Westeros although annulment is, as Rhaegar proves when he sets aside his wife to marry Lyanna Stark. Baelish then asks her if Tyrion told her that after he grew bored of his wife, he made a gift of her to his father's guardsmen. Why does Mister Mxyzptlk need to have a weakness in the comics? She is still a child even though she has "Flowered" (Tryion says this when protesting the arrangement to his father), I would imagine being the same as an under-aged person in current times. Was Daenerys Targaryen based on Cleopatra? And the church did have minimum ages for being married. Is it possible to rotate a window 90 degrees if it has the same length and width? Because she had no option, Cersei tells her that she is going to be married no matter what, so she can either go peacefully or kicking and sc As far as I can tell, the only authorities that would decide would be the crown and the faith. Being that she is captive, being made to get married under duress would not make the marriage official , which would mean Tyrion Lannister would have no claim to the North. A post shared by gameofthrones (@gameofthrones) on Nov 14, 2018 at 3:14pm PST. To increase her humiliation and take the entire scene to an entirely twisted, appalling level, he forced his servant Reek/Theon (Alfie Allen) -- who had grown up with Sansa when he was a ward of Winterfell -- to witness the entire process. RELATED:Game Of Thrones: 10 Weirdest Foods In The Realm. TLDR, Sansa and Tyrion are still very much married if George's rules still apply in D&D's world, scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/134678/, scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/161207/, scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/95350/, https://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/95350/isnt-sansa-already-married, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Advertisement Why was greyjoy tortured? It was common in most past ages of European society for parents or guardians to arrange marriages without consulting the bride or groom. The final season of Game of Thrones airs Sunday, April 14; after seasons apart, it is likely that Sansa Stark and Tyrion Lannister, who had an arranged marriage back in season 3, will meet once again in season 8. Do new devs get fired if they can't solve a certain bug? And, if so, what does it mean for the final outcome in the quest for the Iron Throne? outlet that Sansa and Tyrion were no longer married due to a lack of Is there a proper earth ground point in this switch box? Did you see that happen? However, Ruth Mazo Karras, Lecky Professor of History at An action orchestrated by Tywin in the show to take away the possibility of Sansa marrying Loras Tyrell giving them power over the north. Tyrion wa To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Warning: Big spoilers for Game of Thrones below! Going into The Last Of Us, a series about a zombie apocalypse, you expect it wont be a lighthearted romp. Nancy F. Cott, Jonathan Trumbull For his part, Tyrion's no happier about the plan than Sansa is, but he goes through with the wedding out of a sense of duty to his family, in particular his father. In that world (and their laws) that means the marriage of Sansa and Tyrion is not legal. What is the point of Thrower's Bandolier? That depended a lot on whether the forced person made their objections publicly known - despite the possible dire threats of those forcing the marriage - and on how idealistic or cynical the local religious hierarchy was. 2023 TV GUIDE, A FANDOM COMPANY. Furthermore, captured rebels and deposed royalty were often forced to become monks and enter monasteries. Some random peasant? Joffrey's second fiance, Margaery Tyrell, briefly tries to have Sansa marry her brother so that she can be sent to the safe haven of Highgarden. OP I kind of get what your saying. She could tell the septon point blank that she refuses to marry Tyrion, and I feel fairly confident that t RELATED:Game Of Thrones: 10 Friendships That Should Have Happened (But Never Did). When the Lannisters hear Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. In Lysa Arryns opinion, for example, death frees a spouse to marry another, as she tells her niece Sansa in Season 4: Youll be a widow soon. 18 hours ago, by Samantha Brodsky Sansa says and she never does. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. the parents or legal guardians could go ahead with the marriage even if their child was strongly opposed to it. Well, that was before one parent was killed and another is in on the war. Even if they separated, they wouldnt be able to marry anybody else.. People from other cities or who were not present at the time have no way of knowing truth from a lie. Joffrey's second fiance, Margaery Tyrell, briefly tries to have Sansa marry her brother so that she can be sent to the safe haven of Highgarden. In fact, based upon the Red and Purple Weddings before it, many of us expected (and in hindsight would have welcomed) a far bloodier outcome. The writers could easily reveal that Tyrion and Sansas marriage is still valid, or they could land on the fact that Sansa is a single woman after Ramsays death. Disturbing doesn't even being to describe it. He kept his house in power through sheer will. 23 hours ago, by Victoria Edel

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